Faculty of Kinesiology
Course Catalogue 2024-2025
The contents of the online Course Catalogue of the Faculty of Kinesiology are updated every new academic year with the greatest possible care. However, some changes might occur as a result of, for example, governmental measures to limit the Coronavirus outbreak, etc. Course adaptations resulting from such changes take precedence over the listed course in the online Course Catalogue. As such they will be communicated to all the incoming students as promptly as possible via mail.
Important note!
When choosing courses, students are allowed to choose max. 4 sports courses/semester! There is no limitation for the theoretical courses/semester.
All the listed courses are entirely delivered in English. All courses equal 3ECTS credits/ semester. You can download the detailed course description by clicking on each course. You can also check the University of Split Grading system.
Autumn/winter semester
Sports course
- Athletics/Atletika
- Artistic gymnastics/Sportska gimnastika
- Football/Nogomet
- Futsal/Futsal
- Rowing/Veslanje
- Volleyball/Odbojka
- Taekwondo/Taekwondo
- Physical activity and health/Tjelesno vježbanje i zdravlje
- Kinesiological and sport recreation/Kineziološka rekreacija
- Dances/Plesovi
Theoretical courses
- Exercise physiology/Fiziologija vježbanja
- Fundamental movement skills assessment/Mjerenje bazičnih motoričkih vještina
- English in sport and exercise sciences/Engleski jezik u znanosti o sportu i tjelesnom vježbanju
- English for sport/Engleski jezik za sport
- Sports management/Sportski mendžement
- Physics in sports/Fizika u sportu
- Methodology of preparation, development and application of scientific projects/Metodologija pripreme, izrade i primjene znanstvenih projekata
- Sustainable management of marinas and nautical tourism/Održivi menadžment marina i nautičkog turizma
- Service learning in kinesiology/Društveno korisno učenje u kineziologiji
Spring/Summer semester
Sport courses
- Boxing/Boks
- Artistic swimming/Umjetničko plivanje
- Rollerskating/Rolanje
- Rhythmic gymnastics/Ritmička gimnastika
- Outdoor activities/Aktivnosti na otvorenom
- Olympic weightlifting in strength and conditioning/Olimpijsko dizanje u fizičkoj pripremi
- Judo/Judo
- Basketball/Košarka
- Artistic gymnastics 2*/Sportska gimnastika 2
- Aquatic fitness/Fines u vodi
- Wrestling/Hrvanje
- Waterpolo/Vaterpolo
- Windsurfing/Jedrenje
- Sport climbing/Sportsko penjanje
- Theory and methodology of Olympic racquet sports/Teorija i metodologija olimpjskih sportova s reketom
*Course enrolment requires some entry competences. Please look at the course description before enrolling.
Theoretical courses
- Research methods in kinesiology (sport and exercise sciences)/Metode istraživanja u kineziologiji (sportu i znanosti)
- Doping and sports medicine/Doping i medicina sporta
- Conditioning in team sport games/Kondicijska priprema u timskim sportskim igrama
- Systematic kinesiology/Sistematska kineziologija
- Sports marketing/Sportski marketing
- Selected topics in quantitative methods/Odabrane teme iz kvantitativnih metoda
Croatian language course
Incoming students can also select one of the following semestral courses delivered at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:
- Croatian Language for Foreigners 1 (5 ECTS)–basic user
- Croatian Language for Foreigners 2 (5 ECTS)–independent user
- Croatian Language for Foreigners 3 (5 ECTS)–proficient user
- Croatian Culture and Civilization I (5 ECTS)
- Croatian Culture and Civilization II (5 ECTS)