Kineziološki fakultet Split


Aktivnosti na projektu SAVE – Sport Against Violence and Exclusion

Dana 24. 06. 2017. Europska komisija objavila je rezultate za Erasmus+ Sport programe  Collaborative Partnerships/Small Collaborative Partnerships.  Projekt “Sport Against Violence and Exclusion / SAVE” (590711-EPP-1-2017-1-LT-SPO-SCP) prihvaćen je za financiranje u iznosu od 365 600 EUR, u trajanju od 30 mjeseci.

Partneri u projektu su: Litvansko sportsko Sveučilište (LSU); Sveučilište u Sarajevu (BiH), Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu (Hrvatska), Sveučilište u Palermu (Italija), Sveučilište u Novom Sadu (Srbija), Litvanska sportska federacija, World University Service (WUS Austria); DEFION – Španjolska; CESIE – Italija.

Dana, 14. 09. 2017. održan je prvi preliminarni sastak partnera u Splitu na kojem su prisustvoval : Rasa Kreivyte (project manager), Irena Valantine (researcher), Dino Mujkic (researcher),Durdica Miletic (project manager), Ana Kezic (project administration), Zoran Grgantov (researcher), Boris Milavic (researcher), Drazen Cular (research administration), Jelena Pausic (advisor).

Sažetak projekta:

The project will focus on supporting the implementation of the EU policy regarding the strengthening of the prevention and fight against racism and violence among youth in sport clubs, specifically aiming towards grass root sports, amateur and recreational sport in respect to a number of EU policies, guidelines and recommendations such as White Paper on Sport.

Specific objectives of the project are: recognize and increase the acquisition of skills and competencies such as discipline, team-work and perseverance through informal learning activities in sport; provide a suitable measure in which determined competencies will ensure better understanding in basic and general concepts of proper social conduct; enable youth to practice sport collectively and in organised structure; support sport clubs which practice grass-root sport in order to increase their services and engage young people in sport; promote dialogue and exchange of best practices by integrating sport competencies in everyday practice; Support sport contribution to social cohesion and integrated societies; support inter-cultural dialogue, sense of belonging and participation through key sport competencies

Project budget — 365 600 EUR, duration — 30 months (end 30/06/2020).

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872 Arch Ave.
Chaska, Palo Alto, CA 55318
ph: +1.123.434.965

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ph: +1.321.989.645

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