Upon receipt of your application, requested documentation (by email and post) and application fee, the Admission Committee will review your application package.

During this period all applicants to undergraduate study programmes in Croatia who hold foreign secondary school diploma have to pass the process of recognition of foreign secondary education qualification.

Prospective applicants to undergraduate study programmes in Croatia who hold foreign secondary school diploma from general, gymnasium and art secondary schools for initiating of the process of recognition of a foreign educational qualification have to fill out the request form provided by the Education and Teacher Training Agency.

Prospective applicants to undergraduate study programmes in Croatia who hold foreign secondary school diploma from vocational secondary schools for initiating of the process of recognition of a foreign educational qualification have to fill out the request form provided by Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education.

The agencies are entitled for the procedure by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport.

Completing the process is a necessary part of the admission procedure.

Usually students would be required to go through the procedure by themselves and faculty would just provide a link to the agencies’ web pages where all instructions and necessary steps for the recognition process have been presented.

In case of this particular study programme and with the aim to facilitate the process of recognition of secondary education diplomas for its foreign students, Faculty of Kinesiology has decided to carry out the procedure instead of applied students doing it personally. Therefore, the Faculty will process documents required for the verification process from the students’ application package and send them all to one of the agencies entitled for the process.

Therefore, the fee that students would be obligated to pay to the bank account of the agencies entitled for the process of recognition of foreign secondary education qualification and the costs of official translation of their diplomas/certificates and transcripts to Croatian language, will be included in the application fee.

Admission follows the process of reviewing your application and documentation by the Admission Committee, and determining if you have successfully passed through the process of recognition of your secondary education qualification and met all the admission requirements in order to be admitted to the programme.

The admission procedure may also include additional checks/testing of candidates in case more than 50 students apply, which is the maximum number of students approved for the official annual enrolment quota of the programme.


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